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Purple Pimp Crusader
Purple Pimp Crusader is offline
Old 03-10-2008, 09:02 PM

Opening Credits:
We Didn't Start the Fire, Billy Joel
(Not too bad, I suppose.)

Waking Up:
Moments, Emerson Drive
(... Averted suicide. Nice. -.-)

Falling In Love:
She's Got it All, Kenny Chesney
(One that fits!)

Fight Scene:
I Go Back, Kenny Chesney
(Why are my fight scene songs always so far off?)

Breaking Up:
Only the Good Die Young, Billy Joel
(Someone wasn't having sex with someone. It was probably me.)

Getting Back Together:
Wreak Havoc, Angelspit
(This is the point where I get amnesia and start killing people.)

Secret Love:
Angels Take a Soul, Fuel
(I don't think this love is a healthy one.)

Life's Okay:
My Life, Billy Joel
(I's callin' my own shots now!)

Mental Breakdown:
Halos of the Sun, Fuel
(... It involves heartbreak and a busted door. That's all I'm telling you.)

Who You'd be Today, Kenny Chesney
(Sometimes, the radio just plays the wrong song...)

Don't Blink, Kenny Chesney
(Not all flashbacks are bad flashbacks.)

Unforgiven, Metallica
(I can see this being played at certain clubs.)

Happy Dance:
She's Always a Woman to Me, Billy Joel
(... No comment.)

I Love You Just the Way You Are, Billy Joel
(How exactly does this signify regret?)

Long Night Alone:
All My Exes Live in Texas, George Strait
(Which explains why I'm lonely in Wisconsin.)

Death Scene:
Unforgiven II, Metallica
(Any Metallica song can be applied to some sort of death scene. ^_^)

Ending Credits:
I Should be Sleeping, Emerson Drive
(And now I'm happily tucked away in a nut house with my imaginary wife. Yay me. ^o^ )