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Glittershock! is offline
Old 03-16-2008, 09:15 PM

“Sounds like a plan,” Jakarta replied with a grin and a nod of her head. She had heard of the place before and been in it occasionally, although she was generally of the opinion that house parties worked better because there was no chance of getting some sort of police warning. Of course, this was different, because there was really only so much mischief that two people could get up to. Her concern when there were lots of people was that all hell might break lose and people might get trampled.

She grinned to herself at the tangent her mind had gone off on.

“Yeah, yeah,” she said, with another nod as if to clear her head. “It’d be great if we were.” Jakarta laughed, then added with a playful nudge, “such flattery, Miss Lectix!”