Thread: Glassed.
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Dead Account Holder
qeanin is offline
Old 03-19-2008, 06:39 PM

Levex shook her head.
"It's fine. In fact my mother was a Vampire Oracle. She wasn't to nice if you didn't give a little blood." She laughed nervously, those weren't her fondest memories.
"But anyways. Sevge is a nice guy." Levex took Evelyn and Bronwynn to a nice little house in the middle of town. Smoke was coming out of the chimney in soft gray clouds.
"Well looks like he's awake." Levex grinned and took the girls inside.

The lighting inside was dim but the morning light shone through the open windows. A young man sat at a table eating some bread and cheese. He looked to be in his twenties, had shortish scruffy brown hair. HE was wearing simple green and brown robes and his eyes were a sharpe ice blue.

"Welcome. I'm Sevge. What can I do for you two?" He looked at Bronwynn and Evelyn with a kind smile.

Levex spoke for them.
"They wish to know what they are." She said and walked a little closer to Sevge.
"They came from Earth..." She said that in a hushed tone. Many people here were not as nice toward 'once Humans' has Rea, Sevge and herself. Sevge nodded and gesured for all of them to sit down.