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Dead Account Holder
qeanin is offline
Old 03-23-2008, 10:14 PM

Vivex raised an eyebrow.
"Sibling rivalry? Odd thing to think about..." She leaned against the back of the bench.
"So what simple fights are you recalling or do you have a sibling here?" She looked at him in the eyes.

Miirik smiled, though it looked more like a smurk.
"Looking down at the ground, breaking eye contact, makes it clear to me that you have something more to say." His smile was ordinary this time.
"If you feel that maybe talking might help, here I am. Honestly, if you have some kind of personality change, I can understand. I'm half Were-Wolf, think of those changes." He looked at her kindly. He almost made a move to lift her chin back up, but he stopped himself.
"Don't go all touchy feelly on the girl. She's not your sister." He reminded himself sternly, but his kind face didn't waver.