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Roah is offline
Old 03-31-2008, 12:49 AM

Part of what makes this community strict is the rules in which you must abide by. However, these rules are not in place to scare you or discourage you, they are here to ensure that the story runs smoothly and without interruption. You’ll find there are many rules, but these rules are simple and easy to adhere by.

Rule Breaking:
If you do break a rule, depending on the severity and the intent, punishment will range from a warning to permanent shunning. An example of an excusable mistake is if you for some reason forgot to post in third person, or perhaps you forgot another simple posting rule. An immediate ban would be if you were to God Mod, or flame another user in an unforgivable manner. I am fairly lenient on these rules, but please note that if you break them on multiple occasions, you will also be removed.

Rule Number One
-This forum is for role playing ONLY. If you wish to speak out of character, post in the OOC thread and not in this one. Even if you are in the process of role playing, if you have a question, you are NOT to ask it in here.-

General Posting:
These are basic guidelines to the best way to ensure organization and comprehensibility. The breaking of these rules will consist in warning. However, if these rules are broken on multiple occasions, you will be asked to leave the community for fear of disruption.

1- Always post in third person all knowing
2- At the beginning of every post, provide the avatar picture of your character to avoid confusion
3- You are in control of your character, and your character alone. If you choose to interact with one of the NPCs in an appropriate fashion at the appropriate time, make your advance, and they will respond to you. You are not in charge of their actions.
4- All NPC posts will be made by my mule, and will be shown with their appropriate avatars as well.
5- Under no circumstances may you change the scene or alter the upcoming events. Your role is purely interaction with the already in place characters and events.

Posting Basics:
These are the rules for what you may and may not say and do in your posts. Many of these are also lenient rules and will result in warnings, but some of them will result in immediate banning, so be wary.

1- You may never control any inhuman force or situation. You are not the God in this world; you are simply a citizen with no powers (until further noted).
2- There is no killing of other members or NPCs, period.
3- Your character may interact with NPCs, but you may not take on the rule of an NPC to respond to your character.
4- Only interact with NPCs if it is an appropriate scene. For example, don’t talk to the king if you’re sitting in a Tavern. More than likely, he’s not there, so people will just think you’re crazy talking to yourself.
5- You are required to enjoy yourself. Not ands or buts.