Thread: Stasis
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Alexis Durem
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Alexis Durem is offline
Old 03-31-2008, 10:35 PM

House’s office

While Cuddy and Wilson were talking, House went back to his office to de research. If the Fentons were right, and Amity Park ran ghost drills, surely there would be reports of any ghost activity in the newspapers. He sat down in his chair, and a few minutes later he was looking intently at the computer screen in front of him. It showed a newspaper website.

The article he was reading was titled ‘Mysterious Spook Inviso-bill appears in Amity Park.’

Danny’s hospital room

The next morning had arrived and Dr. Cameron and chase were there in the room, taking some more vials of blood for testing. Sam was dozing in the chair next to Danny’s hospital bed. He smiled at the fact that she hadn’t yet left the room except to get food. Jazz and Danny’s parents would be there shortly. They were probably driving to the hospital from the nearby hotel they were staying at. It was early in the morning so they hadn’t arrived yet.

Suddenly they all heard the door shut. Danny looked up, and Sam awoke from her nap. Vlad was standing in the middle of the doorway.

“Well, Daniel, it’s so nice to see you again. I enjoyed our little chat yesterday. I hope you’ve thought it over,” Vlad said, walking into the room almost exactly 24 hours after he had left.

Cameron and Chase looked at each other, confused. This man obviously knew Danny, but they had no idea who he was. Judging by the hatred showing on Danny’s face, they weren’t sure they wanted to.

“Dr. Cameron, Dr Chase, this is Vlad. He’s not worth your time or your breath. He just doesn’t know when he’s lost,” Danny said bitterly, glaring at his archenemy.

“So I take it that’s a no on what we talked about earlier?” Vlad smirked, knowing he had the upper hand. Danny cared too much about people in his opinion, and would never want to see the hospital attacked.

“You should have expected it,” Danny responded with a glare.

“That I did, my dear boy. That I did,” Vlad smiled, then added, “Pity, though. I had so hoped that you would see what the right decision was. Then again, you always were stubborn. Just like you father.”