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Old 04-01-2008, 11:14 PM

The innate sense the wind gave her something like intuition but stronger, it ran through her blood, was part of her being. She usually set up perimeters when doing something as dangerous as this but she thought it safe today.

As soon as the foreign body entered the space she clenched her fist and pushed off quickly from the tree. "Who's there?" She barked out. Her voice, though not wholly female, held a commanding presence. Fool, she thought and now both hands were clenched into fists. Had they seen anything? Why hadn't the wind told her of this earlier? Lately it had been acting up and giving her wrong signals and bad direction.

It seems that this time was another instance of its mistake. Closing her eyes she breathed in and slowed the exiting breath, pinpointing where the body was with her sense. Right over there. With a stoic visage and anger bright in her eyes, she casually strolled over to the body behind the tree. She was partially curious to find out who it was but the anger, and fear, of being found out eclipsed it. Her wild red hair flew about her face, looking like a halo of blood in the sunlight.