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VoltaireDomian is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 05:34 PM


There's only one thing I want for you; happiness. The way your eyes light up when the attention is focused solely on you, it's breath-taking. I pray you wealth, power, and love: even if that love is not shared with me. I don't understand my own obsession, I have a love of my own and yet I crave you.

Since I can't have you, I'll simply remain on the sidelines and help you shine.

Storyline: Mikael has worked for JetStar record company since he was fifteen, his talent for lyric writing almost beyond compare. His words, his lyrics, are practically a singer's guarantee of fame and world-wide recognition.

Recently, the world's most infamous and arrogant rock star is signed by JetStar records and writer and musician are placed together to create an album, which has been predicted to rise to the very top in days

It seems the perfect set up: world's greatest lyricist with the world's greatest vocalist, only two things could go wrong: If there's one thing Mikael hates: it's spoiled stars and the other man defines the term 'arrogance'. At the same time, beneath that hate, the lyricist is beginning to discover the rotten nature of the star is somewhat, dementedly...charming.


Name: Mikael Alik

Nickname: None


Sexuality: Straight, right? course! STRAIGHT!

{5'11, light blue eyes usually covered by black frame glasses, brunette, tan}

Personality: Mikael is the first to inform someone of their mistakes unless you are his boss, then you can't get him to speak. He doesn't view his self as superior, just logical and has little patience for childish behavior. Most view him as "uptight" and an "anal bastard" but due to his past he's simply always been the responsible one. He takes the elder brother role with most people he meets and is very intelligent with a sensitive side he attempts to hide in a glare and cigarettes.

Bio: Nothing significant about his past really, was the eldest of five children and escaped that madhouse the moment he could. His father called him a 'pansy' for writing poems and not having a "real" job, but they still are on speaking terms despite the tension. He is good friends with JetStar's CEO considering he's been dating the man's younger sister for over a year now. He's still not sure what to think of the girl, she's nice but...well that's a different story.
No one is sure, since Mikael obviously hates the stuck-up types, why he continues working with them when it would just be easier to write the songs and sell them. He's a bit of a mystery when it comes to certain things and no one really seems to want to find out as they're afraid he'll *really* kill them for being "immature and nosy"

Likes: Writing obviously, video games with a decent plot, cats, coffee, sour candy

Dislikes: Most people, shopping, tea, unnecessary noise.