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Burnt Biscuits
Burnt Biscuits is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 07:09 PM

Name: Jin Sirus ((The j is soft so it ends up sounding more like 'shjin' than anything, the 'i' makes the soft sound in 'it', not the 'ee' sound. '-'; You'd be amazed how many people get his name wrong. XD ))

Stage Name: Jin


Sexuality: Picky. XD He'll be with whoever he wants, gender, marital status, religion, and age (to an extent) irrelivant, but he rarely is interested in anyone.

Appearance: 6ft even, Jin is tall and slender with waist length black hair and pale skin. His eyes are a pale blue grey color. His nationality is unknown since he doesn't really look like anything.

Personality: Jin's incredibly arrogant, spoiled, and childish. The world it his and there to serve him. Despite this he's a pretty easy going 'whatever' kind of guy. He likes swets and makes a hobby out of gtting on people's nerves, and often takes it too far. He's strongly against drugs, but he drinks from time to time. He's rarely seen without a water bottle and a bag of baby carrots. He likes to dress up in lolita styles, gothic styles, rock and punkstyles, pretty much anything he feels like, and he's constantly dying his hair strange colors. He thinks it was originally black.... Jin likes to point out people's faults and remind them that he's superior by having them do pointless tasks like finding him certain brands of water, comparing the price to six or eight others, then decide to just drink the one he brought with him.

Bio: Jin Sirus had a pretty fucked up child hood, but he seems to have turned out sort of alright... His dad was abusive, a business man that was rarely around, and his mother was a raging drug addict and over all a weak willed woman. Jin got emancipated at sixteen and started living on his own. He joined a band in highschool with another man and within a year they had a huge fight and the band broke up. He started again solo, ended up recruited, and made a few cds before the drummer died of an over dose and the band couldn't handle the loss. Shortly after he signed on with JetStar records, and here he is now. XD

Likes: Singing, playing guitar, sex, money, sweets of any kind, strange pets, water, carrots, contoling people, being the center of attention.

Dislikes: Being alone, being ignored, people he sees as 'weak', being told what to do, being asked to sing stupid lyrics, anything that reminds him of 'home', he's terrified of silence.

Would you like to start or should I?