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VoltaireDomian is offline
Old 04-02-2008, 08:34 PM

Mikael was prepared to shriek when the "hug" came, and far the more willing to beat the taller male to death then anything ever before! Was there a sign on him stating "Please, annoy and then hug me, I beg of you", he was honestly tempted to look.

Slightly flustered and feeling like he'd been thrown under a bus, the brunette glared fiercely at the frivolous male who continued to grin. It was hard to believe they were only a year apart and yet centuries separated their maturity levels.

"Not good enough for *you*?!" He stormed over to where the other male stood, the ridiculous choice of eye wear only adding to Mikael's suspicion that the male was mentally deficient. If anyone was a four eyes, it was Jin!

"I'll beg your pardon but that screeching you'd like to call music hardly justifies as anything more then the wails of a prepubescent boy! And my name is Mikael Alik, not that I'd expect someone like you to remember it if your skull is truly as thick as I assume!"

Christopher cleared his throat, capturing both their attentions. He was smiling, Mikael officially hated smiles. He made a vow never to smile again.

Especially not for, because, or NEAR the raven-haired male beside him.

"You do understand that Mr. Sirus here is my baby-sister Josephine's favorite singer?" A silence followed, Mikael stopped breathing, and suddenly was thinking about the leap from the balcony again. Christopher's sister, Mikael's girlfriend...he'd bet his life this was her way of "helping" him.

"Of course he is." The brunette responded and glanced at the taller male. "Don't call me Four Eyes again." He ordered. "And I'll write you your damn songs."