Thread: The Lab~Open
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flaming-Scorpion is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 02:11 AM

Originally Posted by Idiosyncratic
Originally Posted by flaming-Scorpion
Originally Posted by Idiosyncratic
She made a few laps of the pool at a constant staey speed before she surfaced. She watched as the ripples made raced each other to the edges of the tank and then back again, giving up half way across.
The water in these tanks always looked a lot clearer than her residential tank, and she hated it. Not because she was against clean water, but because it allowed her to see her reflection. She had never liked it. Under the greeny, skin, silver hair and spiney ears she could see a human face. It broke her heart to know that she had been changed, when she could have had a life as a full human.
i dont hate fact, i think life would be boring for me if i wasnt, well, me...
"Its just, life in here makes me resentful..." she whispered under her breath.

Freedom had crossed her mind many a time. She had loved to imagine what life could have been like if she were wild. Not nessicarily as a human, but her fish girl self just free.
She unconsiously started swimming around the edge of the tank again, whilst her mind dwelt on pointless matters.

"I've never seen a person stare at their reflection in such a disastisfied manner before." A monotone voice cut through the steady silence of streaming water and mechanical filters. Soft footsteps echoed through the quiet room and a chair skidded across the floor. Silence weighed the air once more as the person watched Merrow continue with her swim. Apparently, Merrow was too preoccupied with her self loathing and exercise to notice that the door had opened and closed. So much for being alone, her blissful solitude was stolen away from her, like so many uncountable times before.
She was vaugley aware that somebody had spoken, and ceased her swimming, and snapped out of her self obsessed thoughts. She looked to her side and saw who stood there, faintly surprised. Her body followed her head and she lay her arms over the edge of the tank in a lax manner as she spoke.
"Pyralis, i didn't hear you come in..." she paused while she took a quick glance at her reflection again. "Well, what can i say, i dont to look at myself much. I mean, would you if you looked like a sea monster?" her voice was flat and devoid of much emotion. Her tail slapped the side of the tank lightly as she spoke.

Only a few seconds later she herd the doors on the other side of the vast room open. Unlike her hearing, which was the strongest of her sences her eyesight was quite poor over such long distances. She guessed that Pyralis might be able to see that far. "Who is it?" she asked, her voice it's normal gentle tone this time.

Pyralis looked over dully,
"One of the doctors I suppose," his voice was monotone as usual. "They're waiting for my reaction to a new medication, they're not sure if it could trigger my old symptoms or cause new ones, or cure me. I wasn't listening to their conversation. They said I should just sit down for now wait. I suppose it would be easier for them to keep an eye on both of us if we were in the same room, and if something happened to me then they probably think you could alert them somehow." He ran a hand through his uncombed hair in an attempt to push it away from his face, a drop of blood running from his nose. He didn't seem to notice.
"Its nice to know that they're letting you have exercise, I haven't been seeing many of the others out as of late," he was silent for a moment. Pyralis was never one to carry on long conversations and when he did it seemed difficult for him to find things to say.
"I don't think you look like a monster," the change of subject seemed awkward.