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Freya Sui
Freya Sui is offline
Old 04-08-2008, 12:00 PM

Yay I've never got to do this before since I never grouped all my music together on computer xD But now that I has ipoddd...

Opening Credits:
"Sleep" - Garbage

Waking Up:
"Craving (I only want what I can't have)" - t.A.T.u

Falling in Love:
"I Thought it was over" - The Feeling (Eep ;~;)

Fight scene:
"Deep Drive" - Kingdom Hearts II OST (it fits for a fight scene!)

Breaking up:
"Daylight Dies" - Killswitch Engage

Getting back together:
"Lovecraft and Witch Hearts" - Cradle of Filth

Secret Love:
"before dawn" - See Saw .hack OST I

Life's okay:
"Dialogue Symphonie" - Moi Dix Mois

Mental breakdown:
"Humiliation" - Yuki Kajiura Hack Liminality OST (name fits but song is chill x_x)

"Sakura" - Janne da Arc

"Kirikiri" - An Cafe

"Japanese Lesson II" - Pimsleur (I guess that's how hard I party)

Happy dance:
"Who's Your Daddy" - LORDI

"d e a t h w i s h" - Gackt

Long night alone:
"Goodnight" - The Birthday Massacre

Death scene:
"Refueled" - Fear Factory (If the death scene is the murder mystery and figuring out who killed me, it could fit!)

Ending credits:
"My Own Prison" - Creed