Thread: The Lab~Open
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Laveris is offline
Old 04-11-2007, 12:05 PM

Laveris was relieved when Kit began to calm down. Screaming anger she could deal with - panic, not so good. She touched Kit on the head inbetween her large fluffy ears.
"Better?" she said to her and was replied with the girl throwing herself at her. For a moment Laveris wondered if she was trying to attack her but then it settled snuggly into a hug and, with much uncertainty, she patted Kit's back gently. She was just a child afterall.

As Kit released her the ball was presented, still with a spot of blood on it, Laveris took it.
"What will you play with?" she asked. "Won't you be bored without a toy?" She thought for a moment, watching as the girl's eyes flickered around. "Well, I could try and find you something else instead, if you'd like Kit, maybe something a bit less...dangerous?" She stood up; Kit was right though, she shouldn't stay in here, it could lead to some akward questions.