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Kitsune-tan is offline
Old 04-10-2008, 11:00 PM


Everything was foggy but something was making noise and it was annoying him. Sasuke just wanted to sleep but the sound just wouldn’t go away. Worst of all he couldn’t work out what it was. He was an excellent shinobi and so the fact that he couldn’t properly discern sounds was a worry; worrying enough to have him open his eyes. This proved to be a very bad idea. The Uchiha had only long enough to see the white ceiling and realise he was in the hospital before pain enveloped him.

A small gasp was all he allowed to pass his lips but he did grimace and clench his teeth together. Slowly little grasps of memory began to resurface and he swore under his breath. That idiot had managed to defeat him and bring him back. He hadn’t wanted to go back dammit! Here was holding him back and all he craved was power. If he had to sell his soul to obtain it then so be it.

Sasuke almost attempted to get up but at the last minute changed his plans to checking if everything still worked. He could still move all his extremities thankfully, even if they were weak and stiff. He could also still see, even if it was a little blurry still. The light was a little too bright despite the curtain sectioning him off from the rest of the room.

He could now work out just what had woken him. That idiot must have been sharing the room with him and he had a visitor. It sounded like an old guy, Sasuke couldn’t work out whom. He huffed at the disturbance and winced as breathing in too far sent a jolt of pain through his chest. Dammit! This was going to take forever to heal. He wondered how long he’d been out already. It couldn’t have been too long if he was still in this much pain.