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Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 04-20-2008, 11:24 PM

Ugh i dont know, i manage this apartment building with my boyfriend and we're trying to see what we can do about the smoking issue...when you walk in it smells awful because numbnuts smoke in the hallwas...i even find cig butts on the floor now and then when i vaccuum, so we're getting no smoking signs put up and the company that does the finaces is thinking of what the amount for a fine will be if i catch someone doing it bleh x.x

i dont car eif they want to smoke in their apartment but crack a window for crying out loud! theres even someone on the first floor that has a special sign saying they use oxygen dont smoke near there blah blah so i feel bad for them too x.x

ANYWHO, happy 4/20 you stoners you XD