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Sarcasm Machine
Aeschylus is offline
Old 05-10-2008, 06:55 AM

Linton sprang up to the sound of boots thumping steadily outside his door- and it didn't stop. Furious, he jerked the covers away and stomped over to the door, prepared to serve his intruder a knuckle sandwich. 'Oh god, that's an old phrase.'

He wished the building still had doorknobs, as it would have made for a more dramatic scene. Instead, he slammed the button on the side, and lo and behold, in front of him is his devil-boss. She jumped right to the point.

"You call this a statement? March your pansy ass back there. and. get. me. a. real. statement. Do you hear me Connor?"

What a way to start the day. He snatched the folder back and grumpily slammed the door (as fast as a mechanical door will go, anyways). Linton changed into a new pair of clothes and (he did, in fact) march himself all the way back to the laboratory. He cleared his throat and looked into the room: "Is anyone there?"

(( Everyone is... writing their own story. The reason I'm not posting is because every time I try to talk to someone, they are either leaving or already left. :( I sort of wanted to meet all of you, so perhaps we could congregate in the lab...? >_> ))