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Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 05-11-2008, 11:30 PM

((Oh my god, Shin look at my pretty new art! Squishy made it! XD))

"Nice to meet you, Shinn!" He put out his hand, copying a human gesture he had seen his father use once when he greeted other humans to planet Nume.

"Yes, I think you're right, Hikaru... Oh, are you in the military?"

Like usual, it seemed like Myse could read him like a book. "Yes, its just father just called me on the computer and he... is as controlling as ever, but I'm sure we will succeed... I've heard that humans are primitive savages. We can mow them over and enslave the rest with much ease." He said, lifting his chin and pretending to be confident, even though he felt nauseous. "Now, Myse, what is your plan of attack? We shall be landing soon and I think we should use our laser guns to blow up any large mobiles, but after that, what direction should we head.?"

Last edited by Thoth Star; 05-11-2008 at 11:35 PM..