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BlackDinah is offline
Old 05-15-2008, 04:47 PM

026. Teammates - Robin & Kit Conn (Teen Titans & Golden Age) - Continued

"Hmm… Her file’s been updated.” He stated, and scrolled down with a fingertip. Everything she had told him checked out, except there was little to no information on her since she’d left the care of her own Mentor, Thomas Blake.
“Where have you been, Kit Conn?” he murmured, then sighed, and rubbed his eyes. He glanced in the mirror, before pulling a new mask from a case, and placing it on his face. He looked in the mirror.
“Hello, Robin…goodbye Dick.” He whispered, and turned, leaving his lab for the silence and darkness of sleep.

“Robin?” Starfire’s voice reached him in the lab, and he minimized the entry on Kit Conn.
“What’s up, Starfire?” he asked. She entered, smiling.
“We are hungry, and wish to go out for the Pizza? Will you join us?” she asked.
“Sure. I could use a break.” He stated. Robin rose, leaving his files behind, and following her out of the lab. As a precaution, he locked it behind him. Call him paranoid, but if Red X could get in and out without him knowing it, he wasn’t going to leave any open invites.

Pizza was good. Fun was good. Coming back to the tower to fine a note pinned to the lab door with a signature red X shuriken? Not good.
“Decidedly not good.” Robin stated aloud.
“What’s it say?” Raven asked. Robin tore it down.
Stopped by for tea and cookies. Just missed you. By the way…I borrowed the Red Bird…Borrowed the Red Bird?!” he yelped, and dashed towards the garage. He burst through the double doors, and moaned, falling to his knees. The T-car sat in it’s parking spot, shiny and perfect. His own motorcycle, freshly repaired, was gone. In it’s place was another shuriken, and another note. Sighing, Robin tore the note off the floor.
“I’ll give it back when I get mine from the mechanics. X.” Robin sighed, and looked at his team as they entered.
"Red X is back.” He said, and tossed the note over his shoulder.
“Perhaps the Robincycle will be returned undamaged, yes?” Starfire suggested hopefully.
“I just can’t figure this guy out! Is he good, or bad, or what?! One minute he’s my enemy, the next, my ally! He’s driving me nuts!” Robin growled, then sighed, slumping.
“I’m going brooding. I’ll be back later.” He sighed, and took the exterior door out of the tower. Beast Boy watched him go, then turned to the others.
“But…isn’t is daylight?” he wondered. Cyborg shrugged.

“Seriously…are you stalking me now?” a voice asked, and Robin looked up from his brood. He’d staked out a new roof, one he’d never been to before. This one didn’t look populated. When he turned, Kit was standing behind him. The only difference was that she was in a pair of small shorts and a tank top, with flip flops on. On one hip, she held a basket of laundry.
“I…is this your building?!” he asked, surprised.
“Yeah…Did you trace me?!” she demanded, putting the basket on one hip, her fist on the other.
“I…no! I was just…brooding.” He sighed. She rolled her eyes, and set the basket down on a rickety wooden crate.
“Tell Kitten all about it.” She said in a motherly tone, and he smiled a little. She managed to sound both like Starfire and Alfred at the same time, which was remarkable.
“It’s…have you heard of Red X?” he asked. She went still, then began to put pins on the line.
“Red X…he’s a thief, right? Mostly tech stuff, I thought. He hasn’t been out in weeks, has he?” she asked.
“Wrong. See…I MADE Red X.” he sighed.
“What do you mean?” Kit asked, abandoning her laundry for the moment.
“A while back…we were fighting this madman named Slade. I created Red X…the weapons, the suit…the Xenothium power core. It’s highly unstable…I’m lucky I didn’t kill myself with it. I made it, to get closer to Slade, trying to bring him down. It almost cost me the Titans. I locked the suit away…but somehow, someone snuck in, and stole the suit. Whoever he is, he’s modded it up a lot…and it’s like he’s Taunting me!” Robin growled, and began to pace on the rooftop.
“Taunting you?” she asked, smiling.
“I thought you were the master of the mid-combat wisecrack!” she protested. He smiled, blushing a little.
“Thanks, but not that kind of taunt. Today, he broke into my lab, AND stole my mortocycle.” He confessed.
“Oh…boy…that’s embarrassing, isn’t it?” she asked. He looked at her, and saw her fighting a smile.
“Yeah…kinda.” He admitted.

Kit looked at him, then giggled. Then she shook her head, and laughed.
“Poor Sweet Robin. Had your nest raided and your toys stolen, all in one day. And now…brooding in Daylight? The Bat must be doing flips over this.” She teased. He frowned at her.
“Contrary to your impression…Batman and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms.” He said flatly. She gave a hard smile.
“Blake’s an idiot, but at least I know he wanted the best for me…I imagine the Bat casts a pretty long shadow to live in, huh?” she asked, and crossed the roof, taking him by the shoulders.
“Cheer up, Robin! You’ll kick Red X’s ass. I’m sure of it.” She said firmly.
“What makes you so sure?” he asked. Kit rolled her eyes, and tweaked his nose.
“Boy, for a genius, you sure can be dumb.” She stated, and went back to her laundry. She flicked a towel free of the damp tangle.
“You’re Robin, silly. After Tokyo…I think it’s pretty clear how friggin’ badass you are.” She stated, and turned to look at him again. Kit found Robin much closer than before, and she drew back in surprise. Robin caught her in a hug, making her blush.
“Thanks, Kit.” He said, and pulled back, grinning.
“I like you. I think I might have made a friend.” He stated. She blushed.
“Me too.” She stated. Then he grew solemn.
“Just one thing.” He said, and Kit raised a brow.
“More Heroing, Less Villaining. I’d hate to have to bust you.” He stated. Kit smiled.
“Tell you what…you kick Red X’s ass…and I’ll become a Superhero. Maybe we can even team up some time.” She suggested.
“Teaming up would be great.” He grinned.