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BlackDinah is offline
Old 05-15-2008, 04:52 PM

085. She - Robin & Kit Conn (Teen Titans & Golden Age) - Part 3

Three weeks passed, and Robin made repeated trips to the rooftop of the building Kit Conn called home. One day, after returning to the tower, unable to find Kit, Robin found someone else waiting for him. Red X. Seated on the Robincycle, surrounded by the titans.
“YOU.” Robin snarled.

“It’s a good bike, Robin. Thanks for the loaner.” He said, and got off the bike, tossing the keys back. Robin caught them out of the air.
“What do you want?” he demanded.
“One fight, just you and me. And hey, I’ll throw in a bonus.” Red X tilting his head to one side. “What’s that?” Cyborg growled.
“I’ll take off my mask.” He added.
“Done. I want to know who could get past MY security.” Robin growled.
“And MINE. Kick his butt, Robin.” Cyborg said eagerly.
“Oh, I will.” Robin smirked.
“We’ll just see.” Red X stated, and leapt forwards suddenly, vanishing in mid air. Robin started to turn, but it came too late, and the heavy soled foot caught him in the right shoulder, spinning him around as Red X landed on the ground.

“It’s On now, Birdboy.” Red X said, and moved out from in front of Robin’s fist gracefully. Robin pressed the attack, keeping Red X on the defensive. Red, for his part, led Robin in circles, blocking the blows almost casually, before leaping backwards and vanishing. Robin dodged to one side, avoiding a chop to the back of his neck, and caught Red X’s arm, tossing him over his shoulder with all the force he could muster. His target, as much as he hated to do damage to it, was his precious motorcycle. Red X hit the bike, sliding several yards with the bike on top of him.
“Hm. This sucks.” He said, and sat up, propping himself on his elbows.
“Well…I guess I’m beat.” He stated, shrugging.
“And now, you’re going to Jail, where you belong.” Robin stated, one foot on the bike.
“Don’t you want to see who stole your suit, Robin?” Red X teased.
“Go ahead. I’ll give you the honors, since I’m starting to lose feeling in my left leg, and it’s making me kind of dizzy.” He added, head dropping back. Robin took his weight off the bike, and carefully stepped around. He bent, and gripped the hood with one hand. It was a moment of hesitation, then he pulled the mask away.

Green eyes, ginger hair, and a smattering of freckles gazed up at him from the ground.
“Hey handsome…what’s a girl gotta do to get a doctor around here, huh?” she asked, and he could see her eyes were going glassy.
“Kit…how could you…but I thought…” he began, and she smiled.
“Easy…You’re my…hero…” she managed shakily, before her eyes rolled back in her head, and she flopped down, unconscious. There was a moment of silence, then Beast Boy asked the question they were all thinking.
“So…who’s the girl?”

“She is…was a friend. I thought she was, at least. Now I don’t know anymore.” Robin stated, watching through the containment field as Kit slept off the sedative. He and Cyborg had set her leg, and Raven had sped up the healing as best she could.
“She’s not evil, Robin. She doesn’t…Red X was never malevolent. Spiteful…arrogant…playful, maybe. But…whoever she is, I don’t think she’s our enemy…she was just working counter to our purposes.” Raven stated.
“What about the Race?” Robin demanded. Raven was quiet for a moment.
“Maybe she thought she knew what was in the case, and wanted to be sure.” She stated.
“So now she’s a Stalker?!” he snarled, and turned, storming away. He was halfway to the door when he realized he was headed for the city; for Kit’s. He wanted someone to vent to. A friendly ear. Robin slumped, turned, and walked slowly back to his own rooms. Starfire watched him go, frowning a little.

“Who is the Kit, if you please?” she asked as he reached his door.
“I told you…she was my friend. I…talked to her.” He said.
“Did you share…things you could not share with me?” Starfire asked hesitantly. He shook his head.
“No! I just…Kit was funny. She…understood what it was like to have a Mentor people always compared you to. She was a Sidekick gone Solo too. There was…kinship.” He sighed.
“She has come to you for forgiveness.” Starfire said, as if explaining it to both of them.
“I guess.” He shrugged, and opened the door, going inside. He wanted to Brood.