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BlackDinah is offline
Old 05-16-2008, 04:08 AM

056. Breakfast - Terry & Matt McGinnis, Dana Tan, Melanie Walker (BB & JLU spoilers!) Part Three

Morning found Matt exhausted and sore. He'd fallen asleep at the mansion, instead of his small bachelor apartment. Dressed only in a pair of sweats, Matt made his way to the kitchen on a walk that seemed too long to even fathom.
"Terry?" he called, hearing someone in the kitchen. When he entered, it wasn't his brother, or his sister in law. It was a blond woman with pale eyes, a few strands of white beginning to show in her hair.
"Terry?'re not Terry." she said, surprised.
" Matt. Terry's my brother. Umm...who are you?" he asked. She smiled, and offered a hand.
"Melanie Walker. I worked for Mr. Wayne as a chef...I took a break after he passed away...but I'm back now." she shrugged.
"Terry's never mentioned you before..." Matt frowned, and then looked up as he heard footsteps behind him, too light to be Terry's...besides, Terry didn't make noise anymore. "Morning Matt. Morning Melanie." Dana yawned, dressed in a housecoat and her slippers.
"I see you've met Terry's bratty brother, Mel." Dana grinned.
"Just now. He says Terry doesn't talk about me." she sighed mournfully, and went back to putting groceries away. Dana grinned, and helped herself to a cup of coffee.

"There's lots Terry didn't talk about. Matt went out with him last night...his first time." she stated, sipping her drink black. Matt looked at her in alarm, and Melanie grinned.
"Well, that's different then." she stated, and held out a hand.
"Ten of Clubs, of the Royal Flush Gang." she stated.
"But...Ten's a criminal!" Matt protested.
"Was. I did a stint in Juvie too, remember, Twip?" Terry's voice said from behind him. Matt groaned, and sank onto a stool.

"Too much..." he sighed, and shook his head. Terry chuckled, and kissed Dana lightly.
"Hey Mel. We too early for breakfast just yet?" he asked.
"Of course you are. But there's tea and coffee already made." Melanie stated, and Terry poured a pot of pale green tea into a cup, sipping it. He poured a second, and held it out to Matt.
"Coffee, Ter." Matt groaned.
"New diet. You don't drink Coffee, you drink tea. Green Tea. It's good for the mind." his brother stated. Sighing, Matt took the cup, and sipped it, grimacing.
"Bleah...needs honey." he muttered, but didn't use any when his brother glared again.

"So now that you're Nightbird, I suppose you'll be living here?" Melanie asked.
"'s Nightwing, and I hadn't really planned on it." Matt returned.
"Why not? You'll be able to quit that job you hate so much...besides, as the second major shareholder in Wayne-Powers, I'm going to need your help in a lot more than just the Cave, Matt. I'm still technically the head of the Pharmaceuticals department, and my Head of Security is retiring next week and I have to replace him..." Terry trailed off, and gave his brother a measuring look.
"What?" Matt frowned.
"Travis is one of Paxton's little weasels...and I can't stand the man, but he's done the company no great harm. place someone I trust in his place...Someone with the vested interest in the success and security of our company...would be inarguable. Especially since YOU own more of the company than Paxton does." Matt shook his head.
"Too much, Terry. I'm not ready for that...and Nightwing. I don't have any degrees in business...I'm barely out of school as it is! And I took Criminology and Psychology, not security and administration." he said firmly. Then he glanced at Melanie, happily stacking shelves.
"Ms. Walker used to be in the security business...why not give her a promotion?" he asked. The whole room went silent, and Melanie blushed brightly.
"Matt..." Dana began, and Melanie shook her head.
"'s okay, Dana. Once a never forget the business." she stated. Then she pulled up a stool, looking at them all for a long moment.

"The truth is, Terry...I almost didn't come back this time." she said softly.
"Why?" Dana asked, shocked.
"Dana...oh sweetie, I love you, but you're kinda clueless." Melanie smiled tightly.
"I've always had feelings for Terry...gratitude for friendship and everything he's done for me, I guess...this was the only way I could be close to him...was to be here to help Bruce. But I love you guys so much...I dunno how I came back at all...with you guys moving in." she sighed.
"It's not the same here anyways...not without Bruce." she said softly. Dana smiled, and rose, putting her cup down. She hugged Melanie.
"Situation solved, Mel. You go work the security desk at WP...and I'll go back to making my husband eat my vile cooking." she said, kissing the crown of the blond's head. Matt rose, and stretched.
"Well, my work here is done. I'm gonna go soak out all these bruises, then hit the gym downstairs." he stated. Terry chuckled.
"Thanks, Twip...and I'll come down to give you a hand shortly." Matt sighed, muttering dark things about his brother as he walked away.

Last edited by BlackDinah; 06-17-2008 at 06:25 AM.. Reason: mislabeled as part four