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Nalin Sun
Petal Paradise
Nalin Sun is offline
Old 05-16-2008, 11:54 PM

Originally Posted by whitebeast View Post
Ouch... It would have been cold inducing or worse -knocks on wood - had it been so!

...Though I am rather curious, if in the event you did fall into the water---can you swim? ; - ;
*looks to the side and raps his knuckles against the tree nearby* Oh... I can... *blushes* But rather poorly. I suppose poorly enough that saying "I can" may be a bit of a lie. *embarrassed*

Originally Posted by Enzeru View Post
How interesting the tale is, what kind of shop is he nearly done setting up if you don't mind me asking?
I believe Abel will be finding a home for all the wings that were released this event and last!

Originally Posted by slowtrain View Post
ah that was a beautiful story Nalin, and a very interesting one, I'm looking forward to seeing Able around Menewsha in future :)

Your drawings are lovely too Nalin, their softness is beautiful
Thank you! I'm sure you'll appreciate Abel as much as I do! *smiles*

And, again, thank you! *blushes, smiling*

Originally Posted by Amurita View Post
First off: Welcome back to Menewsha Nalin!

That was an interesting story you told us (with very nice illustrations) and i'm also wondering what new shop Abel is going to making.

You mentioned in the story that magical beings using avoid Menewsha, do you know why that is?
Thank you very much! It is good to be back. *smiles* And thank you.

As I understand it... *tone slightly dubious, as if he's not entirely certain he does understand it* ...Magical creatures used to find Menewsha uncomfortable to exist on. That was while magic was blocked on Menewsha, but after that incident at Halloween, magic was unblocked and magical creatures and peoples could come here more comfortably. But most still didn't...