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ljosberinn is offline
Old 05-17-2008, 11:43 PM

Originally Posted by DieTotgeburtDesZeus View Post
@pat: yip, i study in germany (i'm native german) :3 i thought about quitting university as well, but i wanted to hold one for one more semester to see if it maybe can be fun (last semester was awful and i had a teacher i hated). now i totally love it XD still it's really hard ö___ö in tests they ask lots of really specific stuff we never talked about >.> then there you sit, learn everything nicely, read everything nicely and remeber almost all of it and then you see the test and you wanna cry .___. really.

Ouch, I wouldn't like that either. xD The main reason I quit is because I'm so so so fed up with regular bookish studying and because I want to go study photography, because that's what I want to do most and I feel I'm ready for studying it seriously now. So I've applied for photography courses in the UK and I'm crossing my fingers, hoping I'll get in. Two schools already want to see a portfolio, so I'm trying to pick some pictures to send to them and I'm having the hardest time picking. >.<
But in case I don't get in, I changed my English to my minor in the university here in Iceland and changed my major to Ancient Greek. I think that'd be a fresh start enough for me to get interested enough to put some hard work into it. Maybe.

(...I reallyreallyreally hope I get into photography, Ancient Greek sounds haaaaaard. ;___; )