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bork and means

Assistant Administrator
jellysundae is offline
Old 04-13-2007, 10:29 PM

  • Welcome to my little lurking corner 8)

    Come inside and take a seat by the fire, or out in the gardens if the weather is fine ( it doesn't always rain here ^.^)
    Settle yourself in a comfy, ask questions, have a nap..
    and of course, eat cake and drink tea (there's wine for the grown-ups)

    Are you a Brit? Introduce yourself, i know there are more of you here on Mene, but i don't know who many of you are yet..

    Got any questions about English oddities? see if you can find an answer here, we are a bit of a strange nation 8) find out if we live up to those stereotypes you've all heard about..

    I shall just be rambling on about what i'm doing in my life, feel free to butt in at any time 8)

    So make yourselves at home, be nice and enjoy your stay :D