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wish is offline
Old 06-03-2008, 09:32 AM

Items won't deflate much because users know that that amount was paid for before by others and will demand that amount. The gold is still in the system, the items won't deflate much because someone will always have the gold to buy it unless it's fed to the commons store.

Though I'm pretty sure people could find a good argument to what I said above...

But would you rather have the CIs getting more and more expensive and less CIs showing up, more hoarders and people drowning in more gold than they know what to do with? I'd rather give up my greediness of selling an item for a desired high price and have deflated items than a continued fucked up economy. because when one item deflates, they technically should ALL deflate.

Sorry clamp, but it's human nature to be greedy and have everything you want and to be on top. THAT is the truth it's not our fault or the games fault. That's why there are rules to everything to keep us in line. The games need rules and boundaries because we obviously don't know when to stop. o___O