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Takeno-Kun is offline
Old 06-09-2008, 12:28 AM

Without even blinking an eye, Ryu stepped out and on the so called portrait of him before dragging his foot back so as to ruin it. "I dont leave evidence of where Ive been." He said simply. It was the truth though he had done that to spite her. Quite simply youd think people would remember someone carrying around a giant scythe, but none did. It worked with his job as an assasin and at the same time, seemed to go with the empty feeling he had always felt ever since then. He glanced over at the guy who had remained quiet the whole time since agreeing to join the two to see the so-called Goddess. At the moment he was the only person in this group Ryu thought he could stand but seeing him eye the bone just sent shivers down Ryus spine. "Barbarians the lot of you"