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BlackDinah is offline
Old 06-11-2008, 03:59 AM

001. Beginnings - Kit Conn & Teen Titans (Part Six)

“What are we looking for again?” she asked. “Any sign that Killer Moth and his daughter aren’t up to their old tricks again.” Raven replied, scrutinizing the lab equipment. Ginger snorted lightly. “Oh Robin…sending me out for the bimbo hack that stole my name? How Cliché...” she laughed, and Raven smirked. “Defeating your past?” she asked. “Apparently.” Ginger said dryly. Then she swore, and flipped open her titans communicator. “Speedy? This isn’t the best time…I’m infiltrating a lair.” She said softly. “Ooh, sorry. Call me later?” he asked, and she nodded. “Later.” She said, and flipped it closed. “Break a date, did we?” Raven teased. “Hey, it takes effort to make long distance relationships work. He offered me a place with Titans East…but I’ll cut my teeth here with you and Rob before I head east to be Speedy’s Squeeze Toy.” She insisted. “You’re more than a Squeeze Toy to us.” Raven insisted. “Awww…you say the sweetest things.” Ginger teased, and Raven blushed again. “Come on.” Ginger said, and Raven followed her out of the lab quietly.

“What is THAT?” Raven whispered, and Ginger poked it with one of her long blades. “It’s…umm..I don’t know. Organic. Creepily so.” She added, grimacing. “Can you get a sample of it?” Raven murmured. Ginger flicked her wrist, and claws appeared on the ends of her fingertips. Gingerly, she tore a small bit of the chtinous exterior away, and slipped it into a glass tube, which went in her belt. “Rob can play with this when we get home. I’m more tech oriented than chemistry oriented.” She admitted, and rose, gesturing with her clawed hand. “Looks like a new batch of moths…so…Killer Moth and the Bitch are active, yes?” she asked. “I’d say that’s confirmed. We should head back and see what he has to say.” Raven nodded. “Okay. Take us away, darling.” Ginger smiled, and slung an arm around Raven’s shoulders. Raven smiled, and the portal spiraled open admitting them to the darkness far deeper than that of the lab.

“Here’s your sample, Robin.” Kit stated, tossing him the glass tube even as she removed her mask. He caught it, and grimaced. “Ugh. Moths.” He sighed, and put it in his own belt. “So, any activity?” he asked. “No combat, but I had sneaky-time fun. There was a whole bunch of those cocoon thingys though. Could be trouble in a few days.” Kit sighed, and flicked open her communicator. “Who are you calling? We’re all here.” He said, confused. “Oh, Speedy called me. I’m just calling him back.” She said innocently. He sighed. “Those aren’t exactly for social calls, Kit.” He chided. She smiled slightly. “Yes…but I don’t have a phone, Speedy doesn’t carry a cel either, and I have been here two weeks and haven’t found the fucking land line. So I use the Com or YOU get to call my boyfriend and tell him we can’t talk.” She said, and offered her TComm to him. Robin opened his mouth, then sighed. “We don’t actually have a land line.” He admitted, and waved his hand. Kit grinned, and leaned in, smooching his cheek with her red lipstick. “You’re a sweetie.” She said, and pressed the button on the com. As he scrubbed furiously at the lipstick mark behind her, Kit smiled. “Hey Speedy. Yeah, I’m at the tower.” She said, flopping back on the couch with a smile to talk.

Speedy grinned at his TComm. “So he’s starting you off easy, huh? Recon with Rave?” he asked. “Yup. I’ll get to play with the big boys eventually.” Kit’s tiny image shrugged. “You know…if you came out here, You could play with the big boys now.” He offered. In passing, Aqualad made the contents of his glass jump into his lap. “Speedy likes to think he runs this team.” He said with a frown. Speedy glared at him. “So does Aqualad.” He glared. Kit giggled. “Hi Aqualad. I’m Ginger.” She said. “Speedy’s been telling us a little about you, Ginger. He said you were going to come out for a visit eventually.” Aqualad added, leaning over Speedy’s shoulder. “Yeah, after I’m a bit more settled out here. But if you feel like coming by to visit us in our big old ‘T’, I’m sure Robbie-Poo won’t object!” she grinned, and Aqualad laughed as Robin’s voice spluttered in the background. “Ah, you heard about Kitten, huh?” he asked. “Yeah. Kitten was my old name, with my last partner. Starfire called me Ginger.” She said, tugging her red locks. “Oh? Who did you used to work with?” Aqualad asked, surprised. “Catman. He was a hack. And a Thief. Then I was Red X for a while, but I didn’t want to be anyone’s enemy anymore…so Robin generously offered me a chance to join the Titans.” Kit explained. “I…oh. Uh.” He managed, and she grinned. “A chance my Speedy Sweetie helped me not royally screw up, which is how we met.” She added, and Speedy blushed. “Awww…he’s so cute when he blushes.” She teased. Aqualad laughed, and Speedy went redder. “Alright, I’ll leave you two alone. Have fun, Sweetie.” He said, and tossled Speedy’s short red hair. “Oh, I am so putting mud in your tank, Fishboy!” Speedy growled. Kit laughed.

“Ahh…now he’s gonna call me Sweetie. That’s gross!” Roy protested, making Kit laugh. Robin watched her tease his friends, and smiled slightly. When Starfire’s hand touched his shoulder, he looked at her. “Hey.” He smiled. “Kit’s mission was successful?” she asked. “Yes. Killer Moth should be annoying us in three to five days.” He stated, and remembered the sample in his belt. “I should get to the lab and test the sample she brought me…” he began, and saw Starfire’s face fall a little. He caught her hand on his shoulder, and tugged her close. “But do you want to go see a movie first?” he offered. Starfire’s face lit up, and she threw her arms around his neck. “Yes please! I would very much like to see the movie!” she said happily. Robin grinned, and glanced at Kit. She was looking at him with a grin, and tossed him a wink. He laughed, and he and Starfire left the room, his arm around her slender waist.

“Rob and Star are going to a movie.” She reported to Roy. He smiled slightly. “Wish I could take you out.” He pouted. She sighed. “I know…I’m really glad you offered Titans East to me, Roy…but I just feel like…I really screwed things up with Robin, you know?” she asked softly, lying on her tummy and setting the com on the couch. He got an impressive view of her cleavage, which was rarely present, due to her boyish gymnast’s figure. “What do you mean? I thought you and the Boy Wonder made up?” he asked, frowning. “We did…I just…I broke trust, Roy. You understand, don’t you? To break trust with someone like Robin…someone who lives by a moral code I can only dream of living up to…I might as well have stabbed him…it did the same damage.” Kit stated. “Robin’s a pretty forgiving guy. But we can make this work long distance. Mas Y Menos already offered to Run us back and forth. They don’t mind at all…besides…they think you’re pretty, and they LOVE to visit Starfire.” He grinned. She smiled. “You think they’d run you here tonight?” she asked, half shyly, half sly. Roy smiled. “Baby, I’ll be there in ten minutes…think we can make it to the movies on time?” he asked. “We’ll catch a late show.” She smirked, and he chuckled. “On my way.” He said, and they hung up. Kit flipped off the couch, and dashed to her room. Raven stared at her from the hall, bewildered slightly, then followed.

“Roy’s coming over! We’re gonna hang for a while, then catch a late show.” Kit stated, fixing her hair and tidying her room up a bit. “How is he getting here from Steel City?” Raven asked. “Mas Y Menos said they’d run him down here. They’ll pick him up tomorrow.” She added. “Oh. Umm…so you and Speedy…you’re gonna make a go of it?” Raven asked. Kit flicked her sheets as she made the bed, smiling. “It’s funny…because in some ways, Robin and Roy are a lot alike. But at the same time…Roy is so different from Rob. He’s…funnier, sometimes. Darker, and yet, more gentle for it. He just…understands me, in a way nobody else but you does.” Kit said solemnly. Raven blushed brightly. “Now you’re just saying things to be nice.” She denied. Kit smoothed the sheets, and crossed the room, gripping Raven by the shoulders.

“Rave…you’re the only person in the whole tower I can be myself with aside from him. You and Roy…I don’t have to hide from you, Rave. I’ve been hiding for so long…that means the world to me, hon.” She murmured, and leaned forwards, kissing Raven lightly. Raven blushed. “I…” she began, and Kit smiled. “Don’t get too flustered, Rave…I generally prefer boys over girls…unless a lady strikes my fancy.” She added teasingly. Raven punched her lightly in the arm. “Jerk.” She said fondly, and followed Ginger as the proximity alert began to go off, heralding the arrivals of Roy and the speedster twins.

“Hey Mas! Hey Menos!” Ginger greeted, giving each a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for running him out here all the time. I really appreciate it.” She smiled at them. They blushed brightly, saying ‘No Problemo’, before dashing away until called for the trip home. Kit slid her arms around Roy’s neck, and kissed him firmly. “And Hello to you, Sweetie.” She teased, making him give a sigh of sufferance. “You kill me, woman.” He said wanly, and then swept her off her feet, tossing her onto the couch. He hopped over the back, one arm around her shoulders. “Hey Raven. What’s up?” he asked. “Nothing, aside from your hormones, you two.” She said dryly. “Awww…I can’t help it. You have such great legs, Raven!” Kit protested, making her blush and slip through a portal out of the room. Roy looked at Kit, and laughed, pulling her into a hug. “You’re hilarious!” he cheered, and she kissed him firmly. “You know what’s even funnier?” she asked. “What?” he smiled. “Your boss kicked my last boss’s ass all over the boards.” She stated, and moved to straddle his lap. “Who was your last boss?” Roy asked curiously. “Catman. I used to be Kitten.” She stated. He stared at her. “Kitten…oh my god, we fought once! As like…you were a bad guy!” he protested, hands on her hips. “Bad girl, actually.” She smiled, then slowly it faded. “Roy…it’s not a big deal. Blake needed his ass kicked…and…I needed to get a real life. A good life. Green Arrow gave both of us what we needed.” She said softly. Roy stared at her for a long moment, then kissed her softly. “I think I might be falling for you.” he smiled. Kit blushed. “Aw Shucks…now you made me blush.” She said coyly, returning his kiss. “Lady, I am gonna do so much more than make you blush.” He chuckled against her mouth, and Kit giggled a little.
The Fifty Book Challenge! FINISHED! Next up? Finish my 100 DC Drabbles! 30/100 and still typing!