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Kaldeagirl is offline
Old 06-24-2008, 02:02 AM

Charles watched as Besnik contorted his face in deep thought and read the poem over and over. Inside, a silent, cold frustration seeped into his veins and made his skin tingle. It was more out of disappointment that Besnik did not seem to be enjoying poetry than it was impatience at his struggle. He took a deep breath and laughed it off, attempting to sound relaxed and understanding.
However, he wasn't exactly sure if it sounded that way to Besnik.

"Yeah, yeah. That's definitely true. Well, let's see. The butterfly is the symbol for the young girl in this poem as butterflies symbolize youth and transformation. The girl is probably an adolescent, the time of greatest transformation in a human's life. Keeping that in mind, we notice that the sun leaves the young girl at the beginning of the poem, causing her to fall into despair. I guess one could say that the sun does symbolize happiness, as the sun - or happiness - is leaving her, but the line 'like a baby to a mother's breast' clues us in. Adolesence is known as the crucial time in one's life when one must learn to separate from the parents, which is what's happening in the poem. So, the sun is a symbol for..."

He held out his hand palm-up, prompting Besnik to complete the sentence.