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EllipticalHorizons is offline
Old 07-08-2008, 09:22 PM

Juno: Hey Su Chin!

Su Chin: Oh hi Juno. How are you?

Juno: You know, pretty solid! So have you started on that paper for Wart's class yet?

Su Chin: No, I tried to work on ot a little last night but I couldn't concentrate.

Juno: Well I can sell you some of my Aderale. If you want.

Su Chin: No thanks. I'm off pills.

Juno: Thats a wise choice. Because I like knew this girl who had like this crazy freak out from taking too many behavirol meds at once. And she like ripped off her clothes, and dove into the fountain at Ridgedale mall and was like, "Blah I am a krackin from the sea!"

Su Chin: I heard that was you.

Juno: Well it was good seeing you Su Chin.
edit: (by Kin) You must quote spoonfed questions and other pasted material.

Last edited by Saisei; 07-09-2008 at 01:29 AM..