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Duchess is offline
Old 07-21-2008, 09:57 AM

Welcome mortal.
Thou art now in the presence of the beautiful salty sea dog, Sakura and the always confuzzled Duchess.
Betwixt the pair 'o us, thou shalt have access and entry to the Fairy Visuals contest of photography.
Continue thy vision downwards and the details shall be revealed!
If Queen Titania is well pleased with thy work, you shalt be rewarded handsomely.

At the bottom of garden stands a tall, majestic oak tree, it is as old as the world itself. The winds stirs and its leaves rustle in the golden afternoon sun. The tree is a reminder of when you were young, of the days when you would play underneath the cool shade of the tree. Of the days when you would go looking for toadstool rings, looking for fairies. But you know now, fairies aren't real, simply make-believe.
Suddenly, a small glint of movement catches your eye, but when you blink and look closer, it is gone. A thought occurs to you, but it couldn't possibly be... could it? All those days searching for one as a child, and now it has come without any expense from your part. Perhaps it was just a dazzling ray of sunlight, reflecting off raindrops... but, no, you are sure now, it was not a trick of the light, it was definitely...
A Fairy.

Last edited by Duchess; 07-26-2008 at 02:32 PM..