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so cool it's disarming
Colours is offline
Old 07-26-2008, 05:15 AM

e v e n t

ERM since this is really last minute (nothing new LULLZ) bare with me. x 3x;;

(don't flame my colouring :D <33)

OKAY NOW YOU MUST BE WONDERING what is that image above for?
WELL WELL i've decided to have a CAPTION COMPETITION.

caption competition?
well in a caption competition you look at a picture and you give like a short explanation or description of what you think about the image.
ERRRRRRRR man i can't explain anything correctly Dx </3
well in the end the caption is supposed to be funny
i can't give you an example because i am not funny ;n;

sorry if this image sucks too much to have any funny caption o 3o;;
i really couldn't think of anything to scribble for it xD;; /last minute

how does this work?

well you think of some funny caption and MAIL
your caption to me with the subject as summer festival caption
you may enter three times max.

I will be accepting captions until the night 27th (EST TIME) and then voting from everyone will start.
if i do not receive at least 5 captions no prize will be given out.
more info about voting will come later.
Who are these kids?
the kid to the left is allen and the kid to the right is cody.
they are best friends. allen is 12 (or 13, i haven't decided) and cody is 11.
i created allen for playtime here at menewsha & cody was created for playroom over at soliaonline.
they both like to play and have fun~ <33

PRIZE? HOMG /hyperventilate

There will only be ONE WINNER (unless i like some other captions so much).
the ULTRA WINNER will receive 400gold as prize money!

any donations received will go for the prize money and if enough donation is received, runner ups will also get gold as a prize too =)


i think that is it. i will probably add more stuff to it later cause i think a lot before i fall asleep in bed xD;
if you have any questions please mail or comment me.
(i can be confusing) xD;;

Last edited by Colours; 07-27-2008 at 08:22 PM..