Thread: Nothing To Say
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Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 08-04-2008, 08:16 AM

XD At least this is a thread to talk about having nothing to say? ::laughs:: That's why I mostly stick to the Sticky events that move slower... My Fantastic Feast is moving pretty slowly! And I can't help but spend time in the FAQ (answering questions when you know the answers is easy) and I can leave comments on some of the talent-related contests...

Finding regular chat threads is a little more difficult... so I tend to go towards the ones that are infromation-y (like the "Item Preview" sort of threads - like you ran during Phoenix Jubilee. X3 ) or "what is your favorite event item/event common". Because I can give information there too, or drop my own opinions and comment on the opinions of others. :3

Regular chat threads depends on me finding one that moves slowly enough for me to keep up and not so slowly that I forget that I'm chatting in it. >___>;