Thread: Nothing To Say
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Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 08-04-2008, 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by vadeil View Post
CK- there are allot, i did try at the Caption Contest but i don't think what i came up with was that good tho.. the first thing i thought of was Cecelia asking Nalin how baby's are made.
I haven't read the rules since the thread was first created (several days ago...), but if you're not happy with it, you can probably submit another entry if you come up with something else. XD (I'd double-check the rules though. XD; ) But the idea of that is really cute. XD ::doesn't know if you posted the entry or not - hasn't checked the thread in several hours:: >_>

Originally Posted by Donna View Post
But that's all I can talk about is the event.
Then there's the chat threads and well, I don't do good in those unless I have something to add to the conversation, which nowadays is pretty much never. >>;
Well - feel free to hang out in any of my threads. XD My Quest thread is pretty dead, but my art contest is going. I don't mind/welcome people who just want to hang out and chat some to come in. :3 (Granted, I don't often post more than once or twice a day unless it's really active... but still! You're welcome!)

I hang out in a lot of other people's art shops/art auctions... Okay, maybe two... Uuuhm... The HOFF thread in Menewsha Nations always looks for new people! We talk about completely random things and earn points from "not-Lee" (General Lee Outrageous). I think we were talking about the Twilight series last and trying to convince each other to make audio recordings of our voices and talking about Toilet Duck (apparently a European cleaning product). And conversation invariably returns to one of the following subjects: Pokemon, clothes, or small animals. XD; It's a very random thread. :3

I absolutely LOVE the new colors! ^0^
Blue is nice everyday, but the purple was pretty and unexpected. I thought it was a new, different, and really nice touch.
XD I didn't expect that either... I knew Ken was talking about doing something special with the forums, but that's not exactly what I expected. XD But it was a welcome surprise. :3

I'm sooo excited to hear about the background of this event though. mangamangamanga >> I mean-- getting to hear the story about the three musketeers would be lovely. ^^
XD As soon as the Valentine's Day manga is finished (on hold until after the event - but should be posted shortly thereafter now that we have Yan back from preparing for his wedding, having his wedding and having his honeymoon) we'll be able to get manga going again. :3 We should be posting manga updates more frequently after Valentine's is posted. Which means we get to have short storyline segments as well as long arcs. X3 ::is excited. cannot convey that very well. it's 4:30am. is running down:: D:

But the Celes Paradi goddesses will return... I think the reaction to the event "theme"/etc itself is strong enough in a positive that we'll hold this every year, and I know I want to do something cool with the characters. :3 We couldn't really do as much as we had ideas for this time around because we didn't know if people would like it as much as we did. XD So now, unless people suddenly go, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaatee!" we can invest more into it the next time around. X3 (And possibly before then if people really like them...)

Okay, so I can go on and on about the event, but obviously when it comes to chatting about anything else, epic phail. XD
But I'm glad it cheered you up that I was cheered up that-- :confused: xD
XD It's just a matter of figuring out something you want to ramble on about. Then the words all sort of spill out on their own. XD And yay! You're glad that I'm glad that you're - yeah. XD

Originally Posted by For-Chan Cookie View Post
blitzy: Let's trade. Tomorrow you go work at a hotel and I get the day off! =D
I quoted the wrong post, but that's close enough to, "I work near the bad side of town" for me to chime in with I KNOW OF THAT WHICH YOU SPEAK. It was seriously just luck that I wasn't the person who was robbed at gunpoint where I used to work. You could look out the drive-thru window where I worked and see drug-deals going on in the parking lot next door, and a crackhouse the next street over. XD; Every restaurant on that strip had been robbed at least once. At gunpoint.

I only worked there as long as I did because all my local friends did and I could take off for weeks and even a month at a time, if I wanted. And get third-choice in how many hours a week I wanted. (The manager and assistant manger got first choice.)

Then that all fell apart and I wasn't going to work there when my best friends/managers were treated so shabbily, quit, and were replaced by a MORON. Not in the bad side of town! I don't really "need" money, so much as it meant I could buy books and art supplies and go on trips around the world whenever I wanted. :B ::wants another job soon. because without a job that means I can do no-theeng. so no movie and dinner dates with friends either:: :c

Originally Posted by ~Aimee~ View Post
*waves to CK* why of course I am ^3^

oooh where are the elephants kept *wonders*
XD ::can't do anything but lightly tug Aimee's ponytail. cannot respond to that:: XD


Jeebly that post took forever to write. D: ::must be falling asleep because she zoned out a lot:: >_>;