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ZeldaFlower is offline
Old 08-04-2008, 11:28 PM

*Luffles Rein Back* ^_^

Originally Posted by Squee-chan View Post
You make quite a valid point.
But doesn't that way of saying it seem a bit greedy? To make a thread for stars, not because the creator wants to talk, and then hand stuff out to pacify either themselves or the people in the tread?

Although, giving back does make it sound much nicer. =) I suppose I hadn't thought of it that way yet.
It can be seen all ways;
--one; where the thread creator is greedy, and they don't want to talk and they don't want to give prizes. These are the threads I try to ignore.
--two; where the thread creator is greedy or isn't, but they do want to talk. They are benifiting from the stars the other's 'gave' to them w/o giving back. These threads are fine, normally...
--three; the thread creator isn't greedy but people assume they are and ignore the thread ^^;
--four; the thread creator isn't greedy and gives stuff away but people think they are still being greedy?
--five; yeah this could go on and on it's all about whether they are greedy or not and whether the person thinks they are or not IMO

However, since the thread creator will be making stars, I believe that it would be nice to give to the people who helped you get those extra stars ^_^