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Kitten Morris
Princess Kitten
Kitten Morris is offline
Old 08-10-2008, 03:29 PM

@ Private: Kitten likes the old Gaia best, but the new inventory system while dressing your avatar is wondering (in Kitten's opinion) =3 Now while she's shopping in the stores she doesn't have to leave her avatar and re-do her outfit to get the new item to show up =3
@ whitebeast: Kitten didn't like them when she saw them either, but she wanted to try out the place :sweat:
@ Moyra: Kitten guesses, but she likes that the monthy item prices aren't so high =3 Plus, she hopes they eventually come to the anime convention in her state :sweat:
@ Claudia: Kitten usually always buys donation and cash shop items second hand =3