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mimuu is offline
Old 08-11-2008, 04:22 AM

Which art programs do you use? Which don't you like? Why?
I use Photo Shop 7, Sai, and sometimes open Canvas 1.1.
If I didn't like themn I wouldn't have them xD!
Photoshop is just a really good coloring program with graphics. It's nice for adjusting things and coloring in general. You must have a lot of practice though, I'm still struggling with it. Sai is a program I mostly use for inking pictures but can be skillfully used in coloring, it's a nice alternative to more expensive programs. open Canvas is recomended before you use Photo Shop because it helps you not get used to tools people SHOLDN'T use in PS.

What are the pros and cons of each of them?
PS PROS: Good once you get the hang of it, variety of tools, compatible with scanners to make nice direct transfers and adjustments.
PS CONS: Tablets aren't as smooth and you need to make a lot of adjustments if you plan to only use photoshop for inking. Can be really confusing for a beginner but I think it's best to just dive in and mess around.:)

I don't know enough about sai to give pros and cons but oC 1 is too basic for me to judge too.

What do you use to mimic traditional styles? Pixel? CG in general?
oC is the best IMO

What are some techniques or tricks you use?
Adjusting FLOW and OPACITY gives MUCH more depth to shading pictures. ALWAYS use layers and LABEL them so you know what everything is and where it is.