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Old 04-24-2007, 12:39 AM

#55 Goodbye
  • Characters: A'iel Van Roarke & Verdigris
    Scenario: A'iel leaving her home with Verdigris to find out about her real parents.
  • Leaning back against a tree A'iel watched the plump little golden fish swim just below the surface of the mirror like pond. Touching an elegant finger to the water she watched as the perfect reflection of her home rippled, "this is what I will be doing" she murmured to herself, eyes still intent on the wavering reflection before her. Not a few steps behind her, a tall rugged masculine man sat lovingly oiling his scythe to get the tiniest bit of dirt specks from its blade. "Have you considered the future of your people if you do not find out?" he questioned, "surely leading the people while you are so unsure would be unwise as well" he continued, brows furrowing at a particularly stubborn speck of dirt. Slapping the surface of the water to erase the image she turned to the man worried, "What do you think Verdigris?" she asked quietly, trying to keep the trembling in her hands from giving her away. Standing, the man walked forward and crouch in front of where A'iel sat on the ground, still managing to tower above her even in his crouch, "It's not me decision sweet" he said sadly rifling her dark green hair fondly like you would a younger sibling. Light lilac eyes looked back at him glistening, "i have to talk to mother and father" she whispered standing gracefully to her feet and walking quietly out of the inner courtyard.

    Shaking his head antlered head, Verdigris lifted the large 6 ft scythe over his shoulder and slipped it into his baldric along his back, taking care not to clip his tail like he did on so many occasions when he was in a hurry. Looking about the garden he made sure nothing was left behind before walking quickly to return to his chamber. Appearing before the Queen and King in his normal garb would not be fitting if A'iel was requesting what he thought she would be. As he walked he thought of when he had first met A'iel, he was younger then and more reckless, still hadn't settled down to a single place to live for a while, and was just finishing his training with the scythe. He had been at a hard day training and was on his knees in front of a stream cleaning his face and getting a drink of water when a young girl that at first looked like a nymph stepped out from behind a tree on the other bank. Her skin was a pale bright green like new leaves and her hair was a darker almost pine green. Bright lilac eyes with three small circular tattoo's under each peered at him showing no fear and the two small feathery light green ears that dipped out from under her hair twitched ever so softly as if waiting for some sort of response to her appearance. Already she was like no other nymph he had seen, in general they resembled a certain tree or shrub and followed the same coloring and general appearance as the plant. The girl in front of him differed greatly simply because of one huge distinguishing feature; a small cream colored wing that just peeked over her left shoulder. He recalled standing then and stepping over the stream to kneel in front of the little green girl, who promptly threw her small arms around his neck and smiled up at him. He had ended up bringing her to the Kind and Queen of the nymphs because he hadn't know what to do with her and she had resembled their race so much, but when he had tried to leave she clung to his knee crying pitifully. Chuckling to himself he looked up to see that he had walked past his bedroom door while lost in his thoughts, walking back down the hall, he quickly ducked into his room to change.

    A'iel stood in front of her adoptive parents trying to hold back the tears that threatened to pour out, " Mother, Father" she managed to rush out before the tears began to fall, "I think I need to leave for a short time, I need to find my real parents". The last was said in a strained sob, her body wracked with the first strong sob of distress. A strong arm reached around her waist to hold her steady and she turned away from her parents to bury a tear stained face in Verdigris' coat. "I need to . . " she managed to sob out in a muffled voice. Dipping his head in a bow at the King and Queen he held A'iel in a solemn embrace waiting for some sort of response from her parents. "I knew this would happen one day" her mother said mournfully in her voice that sounded like rustling leaves while looking at her child, "there is no way to convince you to stay?" she questioned. A'iel shook her head and clutched Verdigris' coat ever tighter. The king leaned back in his throne and looked up at Verdigris, face grim and fingers steepled, "you will go with her" he said in his deep voice. It wasn't a question, merely a statement of the truth; long ago Verdigris had pledged his life to serve as A'iels' personal guardian and since that time had never left her side for long. Nodding solemnly he looked back at his charge; she had grown so much but still seemed like such a child and would need him to be there for her.

    As they walked together slowly out of the throne room A'iel whispered a soft goodbye to her parents.