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Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 09-10-2008, 03:50 AM

8. Away

Putnar didn't go down to dinner.

After taking his shower, where he used as much hot water as he could stand, he returned to his room that had been returned to the spotless condition he had first seen it in. Sure, some thing that he had broken were missing, but it was still exceedingly tidy.

He walked past it all and threw himself on the bed and shoved his head into a pillow. He wished that he still had his old cell phone, then he could call Jeremy, or Taylor and tell them about the hell he was experiencing. No, his father had had that one taken away, there wasn't a house phone in the room and the cell he had received was blocked against any numbers that hadn't been programed into it when it was bought. He couldn't even send a text to anyone but the family phones.

He didn't know how long he laid there, or if he had even been awake the whole time, but eventually a knock came to the door. Without even asking who it was he shouted, "Go away!"

"I thought you might be hungry," Putnar recognized the voice of his father's wife. He laughed to himself, "She of all people wants to be nice to me?"

When he didn't answer she opened the door. There was a covered platter in her hands, huge and ornate. She walked in and set it down on a small table in the middle of the room.

Putnar just laid there, waiting for her to come to her senses and leave. She didn't though. To his utter annoyance, she dawdled along, looking at the things on the shelves and the walls before finally arriving over by his bed. He glared up at her over his pillow.

"Are you going to eat?" She asked. He hated her voice. It was high pithed and completely innocent, like a little girls. He didn't answer. "It's not healthy to skip meals you know." He stared back, "Is your face alright?"

"You're not my mother!" He finally screamed at her, "Leave me the hell alone!" He turned away and pulled one of the goose down pillows over his head.

She didn't leave though. Clair sat patiently on the edge of the bed, not speaking and not bothering him. She just sat there calm and collected, the only one to here him crying.