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Li Mei
Li Mei is offline
Old 09-13-2008, 03:04 PM

Like, hi, Menewsha! Li Mei here. Before you get to posting, I want to take a moment to cover the rules for the Avatar Chat forum. Of course, the site rules still apply, but this forum has some extra rules you'll need to follow!


As with the entire site, bumping is a no-go here! If your thread has not been posted in in a while or it is no longer on the front page of the forum, you may make a post to bring it back up. However, it must be on topic! Here are some examples of an okay way to bring up your thread.

I'm still looking for someone to rate my avatar!
The contest is still accepting applicants, if anyone's interested. :)
Would anyone like me to rate their avatar?
These kinds of posts are okay because they are on topic. The following types of posts are not okay because they are off-topic spam.

Bringing my thread back up

Multiple Threads

You may have more than one thread in the main Avatar Chat forum, provided they are on different topics. Having a contest thread and a rating thread is fine, but having two rating threads is not allowed.

Permanent vs. Temporary Threads

There are two types of threads: permanent and temporary. Permanent threads are threads you plan on maintaining for a long period of time (such as contests or avatar rating services), and they belong in the main Avatar Chat forum. Temporary threads are for quick help and advice (such as a request to rate just one avatar or a question about an item you saw on another avatar) and they belong in the Item Advice, Questions & Quick Ratings subforum. Threads created within that subforum will disappear after 10 days, so only post temporary threads in there!

The Subforums

As mentioned above, all temporary threads belong in the Item Advice, Questions & Quick Ratings subforum; threads meant to archive your old avatars belong in the Mene Runway subforum; and all "avatar above you" games belong in the Avatar Above You subforum. Please take care that you are posting your thread in the correct forum! If you are unsure where your thread belongs, please message an online moderator, who can help you figure out where it should go.


Where can I create a dream avatar?

Users who have purchased Mennies will gain access to the Dream Avatar Creator ("DAC"). The link to the DAC will be located on the forum page for those who have donated.

I didn't reserve enough posts for my permanent thread, how can I fix that?

You may send a private message to a moderator with a link to your thread and the number of extra set up posts you need. This applies to all forums on Menewsha, too!

Last edited by zigbigadorlube; 11-18-2016 at 03:08 PM..