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Crusher of Dreams
Assistant Administrator
CK is offline
Old 10-10-2008, 09:38 PM

XD No worries, Leek! :hug: (Your username is still one of my very favorites on the site, btw.)

I only poked my nose in here because Luenola Marxiel used the word "Venetian" in the Quest title, and I was curious as to what sort of items were being quested for. XD (I want to visit Venice again. ;__; )

I should be able to donate for more October Contribution Items before they're no longer being sold, so I'm not worried at all about getting my extras for future art contests. XD I'd rather the CIs Luela was offering went to someone who might not be able to easily purchase CIs (or even extra CIs) and her get what she was looking for than anything else. XD
