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Crystal Helena
Crystal Helena is offline
Old 10-19-2008, 07:28 PM

I enjoy both traditional and digital art... that is to say, I enjoy making and admiring both. I don't do a lot with Photoshop, but I make a lot of things in Adobe Illustrator. Personally, most of my stuff is just digitally colored. I have a strange love affair with Micron markers and have to draw and ink everything by hand, scan it in, and THEN color digitally. Drawing on the computer proves too tedious for me because I don't have a tablet and have to use the mouse. So, needless to say, I don't do much entirely vector arts.

I'm one of those people who's in it for the linework and not really the color. I love getting creepily up close and personal with my paper and pens and doing some really minute work on hair and eyes. Plus, I think there's something to be said about the pen strokes of a tradional artist versus inking digitally. Lines, to me, look more fluid and natural in tradional mediums. Digital art IS quite beautiful, though. As with any other form of art, you've got to have a knack and talent for it.

However, this is strictly my opinion... when two of the same pieces of the same quality are put up against one another, one done digitally one traditionally... I'll always give more props to the traditional artist... because there is no undo option.