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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 05:21 AM

hahaha i cant talk about what im going to buy on christmas here! on of my siblings is on here and you can never know if they might tell other people about what they read on here and then all the sibs and the parents too would know what im going to get them as a prezzie! that would bo so so so very bad! i dont want them to know early!

but i can tell you wht im getting my family since none of them come online for here

Mom - im making her a scrapbook of her grandkids so she has a lot of pictures of them for her to keep at home so she can just look at it if she misses them and cant come visit or if we ever move far away.. and also to remember how little thge kiddos were at first and how they are growing.
Brother - this im not so sure on, i talked to my mom today asking her what he wanted for his birthday/christmas (since its only a few days apart) and she said things that are.. quite pricey.. like a brand new bike or a computer.. im not sure i can get him either of those, but m going trick or treating with him this year and can ask him while we are doing that to see if he has anything else that he would like
Husband - oo this is going to be easy, he ahs a scimitar online that he really wants to add to his sword collection, so im going to get him that. the thing is we also do stockings so im going to get him a few little things as well.. like maybe some yugioh cards (he still plays with a friend of ours, its funny to see such big guys playing that game) and things like a movie he wants, or a game that he wants if it comes out by then.. and then prolly something goofy along with candy just to make him laugh.
Ren (my baby boy) - well hes getting older now and always stealign my camera? so they have this new little kids digital camera thats encased in this super ard plastic so they can take it around and throw it against anything they want without damaging it, so i think that would be bst, and for his stocking lots of candies and little cars, he also likes this little figurines of animals, so prolly gonna get more of those for him with a coloring book and some knex.
Aria (daughter) - i have no freakin idea... prolly something noise and brightly colored since shes still really teenie tiny?