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shosho is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by Suspense View Post
@Shosho: It sucks 'coz I haven't had proper internet for AGES (I just moved house and Sky broadband are being a bunch of asscakes xD) so I've been usiing my school laptop which blocks out everything (except, surprisingly, avatar sites xD) But it's really laggyy Dx
I LOVE TEXTWALLZ LULZ! But since my internet is so slow, I wouldnt be able to keep up xD
awww~~ TAT but are you using dial up or what? :O i have craptastic connection AND computer XD; but at least it's unlimited so it's not too bad D; i miss broadband like WHOA. srsly.

XDXDXD; yah, right now, there's no game in my thread, other than the textwall game ;D <3 but it takes me like 30 minutes to reply to them since each time i preview, new ones popped up XD;;