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MYV rocks
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Old 10-28-2008, 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by Sakura_Madison View Post

Well, there is kinda a new guy from work though. >< He is really cute and all. He went up to me and started talking to me. I tried to be away as much as possible during that time when he first came. I was too shy to talk to him.

Yea it could happen, but there is always blowing your nose. XD I do not use any ointment though. My mom is like, you should put vicks in your nose. I am like, umm no because that will bug me.

I actually have both wigs. XD Could not pass a good offer on them. I am not really a picture person, though I do like taking pictures though. I will try to see if I can take a picture though. Well, the vampire thing, I will plan that for next year.
awww~ why too shy? XD are you guys around the same age? just talk to him hehe. i'm sure he'll see your beautiful charm <333 do you guys work in the same office/department/area? :O

haha, as much as blowing the nose brings relief, in my opinion, it actually is only temporarily TAT; i actually put the vicks in my nostril XD; helps me tons in breathing~ i actually love the smell of it *Q* <3

awww, i see~ so this year, you're not dressing up as anything in particular? D; you look really cute in your picture in your exchange thread <333 so you're photogenic! shush!
Originally Posted by wasabii View Post
man that would be such an awesome superpower, I would love love love to have that XD

nuuuu, no coming near mah mac, it's so pretty, it doesn't deserve to die! Plus I've only had it for a bit over a week, it's all neeeeew
ooo, I've played a game similar to that before, they're so fun!

I think the worst thing for me when studying is... anything that is not study related, I get sidetracked so easily, it's ridiculous!

lol not actual slash... I just write slash to indicate /... meaning why/how XD
I don't think the school would be too pleased with hot guy on guy or girl on girl action in my art, I have nekked ladies though XD
haha, I'm soooooo close to being done with highschool forever :D :D :D

yeah I suck at minesweeper too, I rarely play it, but it's fun sometimes XD

wheee similar timezones, I love similar timezones XD
XDDD yah~ if only there's infinity life/money cheatcode for RL XDDD; i won't have to work and be all /rolling around all day/time and do whatever i want. ahh, wishful thinking is the best. kind of D;

hahah, XD i don't want to ruin yours! D;! do you have the powerbook/ibook/macbook? XD; i forgot what they're called, but i think they're quite different? lol oooh, new~ mine is already almost 2 years old now XD; my VAIO D; i think without realizing it, i'm such a sony junky XD; even my cellphone's sony ericsson D; <3

SO DO I! OMG! side tracked is no fun TAT; that's why i'm so slow even in producing my art. like, i'd be drawing or whatever, and then i'd start thinking of something in the middle of it (a song/story that i saved in my laptop/etc). i'd go to that thing, and the next thing i knew, it's already like 5 hours later and i'd suddenly be playing a game TAT; and i go /omg man!!

OHH hahah XD i see haha. i think for love/beauty conveyed in art for school, it's okay. just not like flat out porn XD; (even though it IS hot. cannot deny >__> lol). are you planning on going to work/university? :O

what time is it currently over there? :O it's 7.42pm over here

@ sharon/sakura:
XD <3 so cute!


okay, by the way, one of my favorite shows is starting soon XD;;; SO~ after this post, i'll be back in an hour or so. i'll be clicking around for the apples XD but other than that lol not so much XD; will be back later! <3 feel free to reply/chat/text wall with each other~ <333333333