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What does this button doooooooooooo?
Suspense is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:01 PM

@Shoshizzle: True say, I was like, one of the twenty people in my school that got given a laptop and free internet xD
And yeah, we called like, five times! They told us to like, put in the router etc and that it would take ten days to start working again. Ten days later, nothing. They said that there was something wrong with our satelite. We're calling for outside help though, Sky is too bloody expensive so we're getting this other guy to fix it for us :3 :3

So do I *hypocrite* But that's only when I like, really need to go xDD
I hate Creps. xD He's such a kebab <33 Most of my friends that I use to text-wall with are gone now T.T Like Juliana and Melllyyyy D; I miss them xD And yeah, Creps does that alot, which is annoying <.< xD Kidding <3

It's like, pop/rock and RnB at the same time :3 It's really original O:

@Lilim: *Pokes you out of there* -ninja- >D xD

@MYV: My anus's girlfriend? Lolol, what's she doing in there? O: xD