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do you think pigeons have feelings
Iltu is offline
Old 11-02-2008, 02:53 AM

I need to add three more to my ever-growing list.

Sorrow from Wildwood Dancing. He's such a sweet, sad, character. I started off not trusting him, but I grew to do so before Jena did. I think I actually said "Oh, see Jena? How could you not have trusted Sorrow?" outloud as soon as his loyalties were proven. Even though I was in love with him, I rooted for him and Tatiana the whole time!

Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird. Seriously. He's perfect.

Vago from Storm Thief. Oh. My. God. He is precious. I don't care if he's ugly or not human or whatever, he was so charming and delightful and innocent and wonderful. <3 I adore Vago so very much! Not so suprising, considering I also have semi-crushes on Bork and Quilt frok Dominic Deegan, but that's a webcomic, not a book.

I think this is what, they third time I've been back here to admit more book-crushes? I am pathetic. But that's okay. And I'll probably be back again. It's just that I fall in love with fictional characters instead of real boys. :P