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Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda
The Inconsistent Wraith
Ceridwen_Crystaline Ikoda is offline
Old 11-29-2008, 03:54 AM

Anna: Could we train them to spread their thorny vines and ensnare those who oppose us? 8D

Val: Jeez... xD And I thought rabbits and foxes were enemies?

Speeding tickets make me glad I don't drive. But I'd likely have road rage if anything. xD;; I'm such a quiet person, but when I'm walking somewhere and someone cuts me off or walks too slow in front of me, I glare daggers through their skull like there's no tomorrow.

uhh... Jeez, I don't even know any more. @__@; I think I stopped collecting last September, lol. *checks* Ah, November. xD Though I have the headwings because Snowflower bid them in our art auction and got this... http://petulantreflection.deviantart...lower-94860477

I feel like drawing a silly request. Go make a couple posts in my give away so I can draw you, pretty lady. XD