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Glammy is offline
Old 11-30-2008, 03:55 AM


Ranks and Occupations
Ranks refer to the position your pet holds within it's society - essentially, ranks refer to Occupations. Each Race has it's own set of ranks, but many are very similar.

How Ranks Work
There are no strict guide lines to ranks. It simply gives a little more information about your character. Predrawn characters will have an assigned rank, while customs will be able to choose they’re rank.

Common Ranks

Military: A position in the military could be anything from a foot solider on the front lines, a special operations agent or a mercenary. It also includes the Naval aspects of Common warfare. A character having a military rank would be respted but not expected to live every long - the War has caused a dramatic drop in the average life span of a Common Military agent. Some medial workers are covered by this rank, but only those who work with the military (field medics, Medic unit surgeons)

Priest: The Common follow a religion known as 'Communion'. It's essentially a variation on Christianity, but with a focus on science and further knowledge. A character with a priest rank could be involved in any part of the priesthood - from acolyte to bishop. Priests are respected and feared with in 'civil' society. The further away from populated areas you travel, the less important 'keeping up' religious appearances are. Note: The laws of Communion are rather varied, depending on what Nation you're from.

Government: A character with a government rank will depend on which Nation they serve.
Those serving Kingdom would serve the monarchy and Prime Minister. Government ranks from Kingdom are generally considered are generally considered corrupt or less righteous then their Empire fellows. A Government rank in Kingdom could be anything from a police officer to a member of parliment.

Those serving United Empire server a council of representatives. Empire is strict and will make very few allowances for corrupt or lax government officials. An Empire government rank would have the same roles as Kingdom.

The Common are both the most humanoid and advanced of the three main races. The level of technology used by the Common is generally equal to that of late 1800’s earth, but the areas of weapons and heavy transport are for more advanced then that of the more ‘day to day’ investments (medical and communication are particularly neglected). Common populate almost all areas of Kannavahmen with the exception of a few islands and the deepest reaches of the ocean.

Skilled Workers & Craftsmen: this is the working class rank. The character may be anything from a sculpture, Artists, Blacksmith or Electrician. It's a fairly open rank to say the least.

Courtesan: A courtesan is well...what a courtesan is, but not just serving high class clientele. Courtesan Rank refers to anything character who's main occupation involves something a little seedy.

Scientist The Scientist rank works closely with the priest ranks to both reach spiritual enlightenment through education, as well as furthering their nation's military Stenger. Weapons and War related technology is prioritised and government funded, with other areas of study left to those who can raise the funds to undertake it them selves.

Other: The rank of "Other" is pretty much anything that isn't covered by the above or encouraged by the nation's ruling power. Most medial workers (nurses, doctors, dentists), out laws and rogues, celebrities and the unemployed fit in this rank.

Last edited by Glammy; 12-16-2008 at 10:45 AM..