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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 04-29-2007, 04:12 PM

#32 Water
  • Characters: Kyrylo Enease & Calliope
    Scenario: Exploration of the gardens with Destine and Oertenna
  • Kyrylo followed Destine the rest of the way in silent musing about the terrain they were passing. Every so often his eyes would flicker to an area of interest: a pile of haphazard stones , a certain type of bright fiery flower, a bubbling brook. Noticing that Destine was starting to fly in a downward slope he followed, slowing his speed drastically so he wouldn't crash into her should she suddenly decide to land.

    A few moments later he was glad he had slowed when the elder Fae made a graceful land. Face set in determination he attempted to do the same and once again failed horribly. It seemed landing was something he was going to have to practice after they were let out on their own. He wasn't keen on their being in another group meeting in which he landed on his face in front of a crowd. He frowned at the grass stains now in semi-permanent residence right where his knees, the sound of Calliope's ringing laughter echoing in his head. Deciding that he would have to worry about the stains later he stepped up next to Destine to see what there was to view from the hill she had chosen to land on.

    The giant tree that rose from the ground below them was amazing, it seemed flying to the top of the tree would be an adventure in itself. He made sure to memorize the location of the center garden for later reference before turning to look at the second garden below them that Destine had pointed out. This one was as beautiful as the last, with beautiful running water that bubbled its way around the garden. Flowers of all types bloomed in profusion and between them peeked the beautiful lush blue-green grass that seemed to carpet all the gardens they had seen so far. A calm lake seemed to be the center of attention for several Fae frolicking in the shallows and a grove of wisteria trees at the far end waved slowly in the light wind, dipping their heavily laden branches into the water.

    When Destine flew off after giving permission for them to explore a bit, Kyrylo was at a loss for what to do. Flying was fantastic, but landing and having all these beautiful sights unveiled before you one by one was a bit overwhelming. Not to mention, he was itching to try out the stunt Destine had pulled at her departure. Staring at the water below them for a few moments he shot a sheepish grin at Oertenna before diving off the side of the hill towards the water. Timing his wings to open when he had thought he had seen Destine to it he managed to rise for a second before teetering over and falling in the brook. Hoots of laughter echoed around his head from Calliope making him burst into laughter himself not long after. Dragging himself out of the water he looked down to notice the grass stains had come out, laughing even harder he managed to gasp out " best way to get clean" before he was overcome with laughter once more. Coming to the conclusion that there would be no flying with soaked robes he began walking slowly to where Destine had said she would be waiting.