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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 01-08-2009, 06:08 PM

Saved for histories of dragons...



Kilex was born to his parents very late in their age (to the surprise of both parents) and was the apple of his fathers eye. Both parents were rooted into the military and at home they ran their abode as if it were a training camp, constantly setting challenges and testing their growing boy. At the time he was able to wield a weapon his father took him to his study (really more like an armoury) and together they looked through his vast collections of weapons and chose a weapon that appealed to Kailex. He selected an axe and in the years that followed he trained with his father until he firmly grasped the basics. After he had mastered the basics with a single axe his father trained him with many other weapons to round his ability out should he ever lose his weapon in battle.

At the age of 22 he was finally able to join the military and took to it like a cat to cream. He loved the rigid discipline and the sense of pride he got from serving his people and as each the year passed by he honed his ability with his weapons more and more. Nearing the end of his required years of service he dabbled slightly in military strategy and quickly rose in rank (Sgan Aluf). His parents were incredibly proud when after his 3 years of required service he signed up for 5 more years of active duty pursuing a higher rank in the military ladder.

During the next 5 years of his service Kilex was moved from the home base of Filela to the outer fringes of the territory, constantly traveling around with his battalion fighting off the humans that threatened to spill into their home base. After several long years of bloody skirmishes over land that was quickly being over-run, Kailex wearied of his military life style. Seeing comrades he had grown up with die over land while having children was so difficult set him into a rage and severely destroyed his once glorified views of his profession. He could not understand why an ailing race would fight so hard to protect land to the brink of their own extinction. With no living Ejderha the land would be taken over anyways; one way or another the humans were quickly taking more of their land and at the same time causing the numbers of Ejderha to dwindle.

To the dismay of his parents, Kailex left the army at the end of his 5 years and left Filela to escape the frequent news of the death toll. Fleeing to the trade city of Liram, he sold his fighting services to the traveling merchants that roamed up and down the shore of the Ledojia River.

For 2 years he would travel up and down the river acting as a guard from bandits and brigands for the many weapons dealers that frequented Liram. Each merchant he brought successfully to the city let him choose one of their weapons as payment for his service, creating (after a while) quite an extensive collection of blades that Kailex owned and carried on his person.


Of all the many things Kailex likes, his absolute favorite thing to do when not otherwise occupied is search the weapons shops and stalls to find a new blade to add to his collection. Generally he prefers long curved blades, sharp unique shaped axes, and heavy pole arms to any of the other weapons he may see. He takes pride in naming each and every one of his weapons as he gains them and lovingly polishes and sharpens them often to keep then in perfect condition. Though he only takes his 2 choice axes into battle he trains with each weapon, often talking to the bit of metal as he trains.

Many of Kailex closest companions fail to ever see his second favorite pastime; painting. In his spare time in the privacy of his room he enjoys painting to express things he has trouble saying. Often the subjects of his paintings are people he admires and their weapons and though others never actually see his art, he displays them proudly all along his wall.


+ Kailex is known around the League as being an extreme neat freak and being obsessed with weapons.
+ He is known to prefer to drink a large glass of cold milk at every meal.
+ Hails from Liram and was in the military for a total of 8 years.

DIVISION Melee Weaponry
CLASS PROGRESSION Warrior > Battleblade > Blade Dancer

Warrior - Melee (5), Ranged (0), Magic/Other (0)
Hit Points (43) Evade (12)
+ Skills with dual wielding axes are good but by no means perfect.
+ Fighting style tends to be more barbaric, run up to an opponent and chop whatever comes in the way of his blades. Brute force > Skill
+ Takes the vast majority of hits aimed at him by opponents.
+ [ First Stage Ref ] similar in style to this but a few minor changes. the main dominating colors should be black, grey, and silver. The shirt should go to his belt (half shirt looks rather.. non masculine). Gloves from the elbows up should be removed.

Battleblade - Melee (8 ), Ranged (2), Magic/Other (0)
Hit Points (53) Evade (16)
+ Has learned to control his axes much better and can now do things such as a berserk attack; more lethal with his choice weapons.
+ In fighting still tend to stay right up in the front lines of battles. His skill with the axes and his strength are now both playing off each other.
+ [ Second Stage Ref ] Once again similar to this with a few changes. Face mask should be dark gray. The main colors are ok, (dark grey, black, gold, and white) but preferrably match all the greys and blacks so it doesnt look like he strung together different armour sets (which i did.. but minor detail). Gold color at top of harness remove please. Between where the gloves and and where the pauldrons (shoulder armour) begins, please remove that cloth/armour on his arms.
+ a few silver earrings should now adorn his ears.

Blade Dancer - Melee (12), Ranged (3), Magic/Other (0)
Hit Points (63) Evade (20)
+ Occasionally will throw his axes to use them in both close range and slightly longer range. He is now officially a "beast".
+ His skill now far out weighs anything in his battle technique. Having perfected his technique he only exerts the necessary force in each blow to take down his adversary. He wastes no energy in fancy maneuvers or flashy tricks if a simple slash will do the job.
+ [ Stage 3 Ref ] once more, same general idea but i would like the main body to reflect the colors on the helmet (deep red, black, silver, and gold). PLease remove the frilly skirt bit around the waist, and the things hanging down under his shoulders.


+ Battle Cry (charge) During this skill Kai lets out a deep yell, startling his enemy in a way that causes his next attack to inflict more damage. (+3) is added to his melee damage for the duration of one turn.

+ Battle Cry (charge) During this skill Kai lets out a deep yell, startling his enemy in a way that causes his next attack to inflict more damage. (+6) is added to his melee damage for the duration of one turn.
+ Cyclone Axe (Attack Multiple Targets) Should Kai be surrounded he can now target more then one opponent, spinning in a deadly circle to attack enemies within range. -2 penalty to Kai's total per additional enemy targeted.

Blade Dancer
+ Battle Cry (charge) During this skill Kai lets out a deep yell, startling his enemy in a way that causes his next attack to inflict more damage. (+9) is added to his melee damage for the duration of one turn.
+ Cyclone Axe (Attack Multiple Targets) Should Kai be surrounded he can now target more then one opponent, spinning in a deadly circle to attack enemies within range. -2 penalty to Kai's total per additional enemy targeted.
+ Dancing Blades (Signature Move): Kailex has trained in a special move that incorporates his great skill and balance causing greater damage than what he usually performs. Unfortunately this move requires a lot of concentration and is exhausting; it may not be performed often. Melee and Ranged bonuses are stacked; (d20+melee+ranged) and are used in both determining success of attack as well as damage. All buffs continue to take effect. At level 3 he can use this skill twice per battle, but not consecutively.


+ Battle Stance - Uses his wings to give him the utmost balance possible during fights. Outside of fights, in everyday things such as walking, his wings will almost automatically adjust (without real thought) to allow him to have very good balance. You would never see Kailex tripping over his own feet.
+ Fire Breath - Useful in lighting small cooking fires and candles but not for battle. He can blow a short torch of fire for about 30 seconds. Usually after this though he has a fit of coughs and has to drink something immediately to sooth his irritated throat. Mainly used as a last resort when he loses his flint and steel.

WEAPON dual wields two hand axes. (ref pending)
POINT ASSIGNMENT Melee (5), Ranged (0), Magic/Other (0)