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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 05-05-2007, 03:44 AM

#59 Tea
  • Characters: Kyrylo Eneas and Calliope
    Scenario: Kyrylo's first experience with tea
  • Kyrylo strolled behind Oerttena slowly trying to dry himself suitably before he reached Destine. Spreading his wings wide, he gave a few soft fluttering to shake any excess water off, all the while peeking around as he walked. His long bangs were plastered to he side of his face made it look almost as if he had chest length sideburns. Grabbing a handful of wet hair he ran his hand down it to squeeze the water out before dropping it and reaching for another lock of hair. He slowed more the closer he came to the tree Destine took respite under wondering vaguely if she had already guessed his reason for being drenched.

    Plopping down heavily to the ground next to Destine, he watched as she took a sip from her seed cup. Flying had given him a horrible thirst and he hadn't realized how much a nice drink sounded until he saw her happily sipping - whatever it was she was sipping. Reaching tentatively out, he prodded the reed he had seen the liquid come out of a few times before touching the place on the root Destine had touched. The same dark brown liquid poured out as before and filled the seed cup beneath it before Kyrylo snatched it up and brought it close to his face so he could look into the liquid. Unable to see through it he dipped the tip of his pinkie in to see the temperature and finding it warm but not scalding took a deep gulp of the liquid. Face contorting in disgust he swallowed the liquid and hastily put down the cup, scooting as far back from the offending object as he could and nearly falling into the pond a second time. Laughter filled his head as Calliope landed on his knee wings fluttering with her gaiety, I take it you didn't like the drink? she asked unable to stop her laughter. Swallowing the taste down he looked at Destine happily sipping away, "What IS that?".

    The splashing of water behind him drew his attention. Turning around he looked into it to see only his reflection and the few telltale ripples that something had surfaced. Watching the water carefully he was surprised when a spray of water splashed into his face. Scooting back from the edge of the water he dried his face and glared at it as his reflection laughed back at him. Calliope , who had been knocked from her perch by Kyrylo's sudden lunge away from the water, alighted on his cup and took a sip from his abandoned drink Fairy Fish she muttered in an exasperated tone.